4 August 2021 Planning Committee – Additional Representations



Site Address

Application No.



2 Montefiore Road Hove


Additional Heads of Terms



·         S278 to secure removal of off-site delivery bay, relocation of disabled bay, rearrangement of on-street car/motorcycle parking, signage, relocation of street furniture and removal of dropped kerb.



Saltdean Lido, Saltdean Park Road, Saltdean


28 -29 July 2021: 17 new representations have been received, all in support of the planning application.


20 July 2021: Amended east, west, north and south elevations were received deleting the proposed flagpole.  It was considered by the applicant that the roof of the Lido building would not provide adequate safety due to lack of safety rails etc. to replace/put up the flag on a regular basis.


Discussions with the Council’s Heritage Section and Historic England indicate that the removal of the flagpole from the proposals would have no impact on the significance of the Listed building.


Therefore, the description has been amended to remove reference to flagpole and the Committee report should be amended to remove all references to the flag pole.


Please also note that the amended elevations of 20 July referred to above include tension wires which are considered necessary to support the reinstated chimney.  Following consultation with the Council’s Heritage section, it is proposed that condition 14 is amended to read as follows:


14.   No works shall take place to the roof-top of the Lido building until details, including large scale constructional drawings (of 1:10 scale) for repair and replacement works and alterations to roof top area and pavilion including details of the reinstated chimney stack in elevation, proposed supporting tension wires and an accompanying detailed structural engineers report, and details of the roof finish and new rooflights have been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority: The works shall be carried out and completed fully in accordance with the approved details prior to first occupation of each respective phase and retained as such thereafter. 

Reason: To ensure the satisfactory preservation of this listed building to comply with policies HE1 and HE4 of the Brighton and Hove Local Plan and CP15 of the Brighton and Hove City Plan Part One.


The submission of the amended elevations without a flagpole means that some of the drawing numbers listed under Condition 1 of the Committee report have changed as follows:


P-01-XX-DR-A-2150 P4 is replaced by drawing number P0980-RHP-01-XX-DR-A-2150 P5


P0980-RHP-01-XX-DR-A-2151 P5 is replaced by drawing number P0980-RHP-01-XX-DR-A-2151 P6


P0980-RHP-01-XX-DR-A-2201 P2 is replaced by drawing number P0980-RHP-01-XX-DR-A-2201 P4


Following discussions with the applicant and the Council’s Heritage section it is also considered that Condition 17 is amended as follows:


Unless evidence is submitted to and agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority to demonstrate that the existing reeded obscure glazing to the horizontal windows in the east and west wings (former changing rooms) of the 1930s building is not original, details shall be submitted to the Local Planning Authority to demonstrate how and where this glass can be retained or reused within the parts of the building dating from the 1930s. all the existing reeded obscure glazing shall be retained, and details of its retention shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority prior to the removal of any windows within the development. The works shall be carried out and completed fully in accordance with the approved details and retained as such thereafter before this part that respective phase of the building is first brought into use. 

Reason: To ensure the satisfactory preservation of this listed building to comply with policies HE1 and HE4 of the Brighton and Hove Local Plan and CP15 of the Brighton and Hove City Plan Part One.




Saltdean Lido, Saltdean Park Road, Saltdean


28 -29 July 2021: 16 new representations have been received, all in support of the planning application.


20 July 2021: Amended east, west, north and south elevations were received deleting the proposed flagpole.  It was considered by the applicant that the roof of the Lido building would not provide adequate safety due to lack of safety rails etc. to replace/put up the flag on a regular basis.


Discussions with the Council’s Heritage Section and Historic England indicate that the removal of the flagpole from the proposals would have no impact on the significance of the Listed building.


Therefore, the description has been amended to remove reference to flagpole and the Committee report should be amended to remove all references to the flagpole.


Please also note that the amended elevations of 20 July referred to above include tension wires which are considered necessary to support the reinstated chimney.  Following consultation with the Council’s Heritage section, it is proposed that condition 10 is amended to read as follows:


10.   No works shall take place to the roof-top of the Lido building until details, including large scale constructional drawings (of 1:10 scale) for repair and replacement works and alterations to roof top area and pavilion including details of the reinstated chimney stack in elevation, proposed supporting tension wires and an accompanying detailed structural engineers report, and details of the roof finish and new rooflights have been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority: The works shall be carried out and completed fully in accordance with the approved details prior to first occupation of each respective phase and retained as such thereafter. 

Reason: To ensure the satisfactory preservation of this listed building to comply with policies HE1 and HE4 of the Brighton and Hove Local Plan and CP15 of the Brighton and Hove City Plan Part One.


The submission of the amended elevations without a flag pole means that some of the drawing numbers listed under Condition 1 of the Committee report have changed as follows:


P-01-XX-DR-A-2150 P4 is replaced by drawing number P0980-RHP-01-XX-DR-A-2150 P5


P0980-RHP-01-XX-DR-A-2151 P5 is replaced by drawing number P0980-RHP-01-XX-DR-A-2151 P6


P0980-RHP-01-XX-DR-A-2201 P2 is replaced by drawing number P0980-RHP-01-XX-DR-A-2201 P4


Following discussions with the applicant and the Council’s Heritage section it is also considered that Condition 12 is amended as follows:


12. Unless evidence is submitted to and agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority to demonstrate that the existing reeded obscure glazing to the horizontal windows in the east and west wings (former changing rooms) of the 1930s building is not original, details shall be submitted to the Local Planning Authority to demonstrate how and where this glass can be retained or reused within the parts of the building dating from the 1930s. all the existing reeded obscure glazing shall be retained, and details of its retention shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority prior to the removal of any windows within the development. The works shall be carried out and completed fully in accordance with the approved details and retained as such thereafter before this part that respective phase of the building is first brought into use. 

Reason: To ensure the satisfactory preservation of this listed building to comply with policies HE1 and HE4 of the Brighton and Hove Local Plan and CP15 of the Brighton and Hove City Plan Part One.




20 St Helens Drive


An additional letter of representation has been received from Councillors Barnett and Lewry dated 23.07.21 objecting to this application which is attached.


Five (5) additional representations have been received from four (4) members of the public objecting to the proposal for the following reasons:

·         Amendments do not resolve the concerns of residents

·         Overshadowing

·         Loss of privacy

·         Increase in on-street parking demand

·         Adversely affects Hangleton Conservation Area

·         Overdevelopment

·         Loss of view

·         Not in keeping with character of the area

·         Lack of officer site visit

·         Lack of officer site visit to neighbouring properties

·         Officer report does not acknowledge Hangleton Conservation Area

·         Officer report states “no front projection”, however front porch remains on the scheme.


Officer comment:

It is acknowledged that the committee report does not reference the proximity of the nearby Hangleton Conservation Area. The report does confirm the property is not within the Hangleton Conservation Area and it is not considered that the alterations proposed would materially affect the setting of the Conservation Area.


An officer site visit took place on 23.07.2021.


The amendments to the scheme are such that there are no front projections as referenced within the officer report.



173 New Church Road


Further to the site visit undertaken 26.07.2021 officers have noted a new boundary wall has been erected at the rear of the site which part obscures the southern most garage. This can be seen on the presentation photographs. The wall requires planning permission but has not been applied for. The new wall replaces the previously existing boundary fence and requires permission as it exceeds a height 1m and is adjacent to the highway, the previous boundary fence was approximately 1.8m. Officers do not consider that the erection of this wall has a material effect on the determination of this application.



236 New Church Road


One (1) additional representation has been received from the applicant supporting the proposal but does not introduce any additional material considerations.